Friday, December 28, 2012

Ruby's 1st Christmas

 No kids yet. Ruby is our kid. Which is explains all the pictures of her below....
We even talk to her like she is a baby.

We couldn't have Christmas without Ruby, so she rode alone with us on our drive to Oregon.
We get asked all the time "How does she do in the car?"
She does great! She's actually more well behaved in the car than she is anywhere else.
She turns into a huge snuggle bunny or should I say snuggle puppy.
The majority of the time she sleeps, enjoying her puppy dreams.

This was her first Christmas.
She is almost a year old.
She has more nicknames than almost anyone I know. I think I may top her. 
(My family or should I saw my father is big into nicknames, and I am very rarely called by my given name.)
Here are a few....Rubix Cube, Rhubarb, Rubsters, Rubinette, Rubai, Ruby Tuesday, Rubisaurus Rex, Rubeski, Ruby baby (that's all I can remember for now).

Here she is in the car waiting for dad to bring back breakfast

Snuggling dad in the truck

"How much longer?"

"More pictures mom? Just let me sleep!"

Rockabye Ruby on Grandpas lap
When the wind blows
Grandpa will rock

"Hey guys look at me! I'm playing with two presents at once!" 

Waiting up for Santa

"I'm thirsty, this looks like a good place to drink from.... mmmmm taste like tree!" 

Ruby barked and growled at Grandpa when he first came over and then she changed her mind... 
"I like this guy, he scratches me!" 

Ruby was pretty spoiled this Christmas. 
She actually had two stockings full of bones, toys, and even doggie shoes. 
She also got a new camo coat that fits perfect! 

She was also spoiled in the food department and we suffered on the way home. Ruby had major gas and the windows were frequently being rolled down! 

Thanks everyone for making Ruby's first Christmas special! 


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